Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What is the place of music in modern life?

What is the place of music in modern life?

What is music? According to the dictionary music is having rhythm, melody, or harmony. But it’s really underestimated, more so than anyone actually realizes. Music is learning, a therapy, and a teaching tool. Music adjusts our moods, and is used throughout our lives. To lead a healthy life, we need to incorporate music in our life, whether playing it, listening to it, or using it.

Music is not purely a form of art. There is a great deal of science that goes behind the production of beautiful musical sounds. In order to understand how music is possible, one must have an understanding of the world around us. Music has always occupied a firm place in the life of every community. Travel, conquest and trade have led to the mutual enrichment of musical traditions, though on very limited scale as compared with today.
In today’s modern world, music is not just a tool or an art, it’s a therapy, relaxation, it is a form of living, and as industry. The music industry sells compositions, recordings and performances of music. Among the many individual and organisations that operate within the industry are the musicians who compose and perform the music and the companies and professionals who create and sell recorded music and all the businessmen who make profits from it henceforth. So many people make a living off the music industry, and the people who finance that are so vast in numbers that it si a culture moreover, with the catchy slogan ’No music NO life.’
From the pop culture of the 50’s, with Elvis and The Beatles to the metal era of 2000 following up to hybrid bands like Linken Park and Maroon 5, all artists have thrived to produce good music with meanings. A powerful tool like music, which has a hold on large masses, music is used to spread messages. Music is also involved in making people famous.

In forms of therapy, research has shown that stress and anxiety can be handled by music. Good music helps to control your breathing and heart rate. Music can send you to sleep, and do more wonders than was imagined. Pumpkins in the USA and grapevines in Italy that were induced with music grew thrice as larger than once that weren’t. Unborn babies are known to react to music by flexing their limbs in what is known as premature form of dancing. Music is the modern wonder, everyone can ponder it, but no one can understand it to its fullest.

Who has seen a movie without music? Even Charlie Chaplin had music even though he had no dialogues. Who has seen as advertisement without music? Music is everywhere, and that is its role in modern life, filling the gaps in. Music can be inspirational to people and it can evoke feelings of happiness, sadness, joy, loss, sorrow. Music can be a tool that can be used to spread messages of joy, of a better world and of that which is required, like the late Michael Jackson’s ‘Earth song’ that called for the world to unite in conserving what is left. Thus, in the modern world, music is the magic that fills the voids in life.

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